Cloth Diaper Library on Lend Engine
At this point we have paused all loans, consultations and accepting donations due to family and health circumstances, which have made it hard to continue to run the library.
This booking system is created through a software called Lend Engine (you will see this in the URL at the top of your browser).
The system is not always intuitive so if you're struggling - email us or text/whatsapp/signal on 365 994 9010.
In order to reserve a kit please
1. check availability
- if you're close to one of our pickup locations - click on your nearest locatoin (on the left hand menu) to see availability there
- if you're too far from those check the Postal Kits availability
2. register (top right of this page) and confirm your registration (check inbox & spam folder)
3. Choose a membership and pay ($1 for a year, $3 for 3 years)
4. If you're picking up at one of our locations choose a pickup date for your kit and checkout and pay.
5. If you're choosing a Postal Kit, choose todays date, checkout and pay.
The membership fees are there to make your checkout process easier. We cannot refund these if you decide not to go ahead with a reservation.
This is due to the way lend-engine works and at this point we haven't found a better way around this. We hope you see it as a small contribution to support our social enterprise.
To book a Cloth Diaper Consultation
If there are no kits available right now, please put your name on the waitlist HERE or by going to
If at any stage you are having trouble or are not sure, you can email us at or message us on 365 994 9010.